Tag Archive for: Winter

One Night Left for A Christmas Story!
Productions, Winter
Will Ralphie survive “soap poisoning”? Tune in and find out! Join Picketwire for “A Christmas Story.” December 14th at 7:30 P.M. Purchase tickets at picketwireplayers.org or stop by the theater at 802 San Juan from 5:30-7:30 P.M. Saturday.…

I Triple Dog Dare You
Latest News, News Releases, Upcoming Productions, Winter
One frozen pole, one tongue, one big problem. Join the cast of “A Christmas Story” to see how they overcome this familiar schoolyard peril. Buy your tickets today! Visit Picketwireplayers.org or stop by the theater at 802 San Juan from…

It’s a Major Award!
News Releases, Winter
Picketwire patrons have a chance at winning their very own “major award.” Come to a performance of “A Christmas Story” and enter the drawing to win a replica of the famous “Leg Lamp.” Theatergoers can enter the drawing on the night…

Picketwire Players to present holiday classic “A Christmas Story”
Latest News, News Releases, Winter
As the holiday season approaches, Picketwire Players have been hard at work, preparing for this season’s production of “A Christmas Story." Shouts of “ho-ho-ho” and “you’ll shoot your eye out” can be heard ringing through the…

Picketwire Box Office Opens for “A Christmas Story”
Latest News, Productions, Winter
The Picketwire Center for Performing and Visual Arts is set to open their box office for Jean Shepherd’s comedy classic “A Christmas Story.” This play will run December 12, 13 and 14. The box office will open online starting the week…

Cast Announced for “A Christmas Story”
Latest News, Upcoming Productions, Winter
Congratulations to the cast of "A Christmas Story"
First rehearsal will be Monday, October 28th @ 7pm.

Picketwire to hold auditions for “A Christmas Story”
Auditions, Latest News, News Releases, Upcoming Productions, Winter
The Picketwire Center for Performing and Visual Art is set to hold auditions for “A Christmas Story” on October 21st and 22nd at 7:00 PM. Jean Shepherd’s comedy cult classic will be brought to life by veteran director…