It’s Opening Night for Picketwire’s Masked Singer: CE!

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Join us tonight when we have eight local celebrities sing and dance their way across the stage!

Here is a look at all 8 of our contestants! Bring your holiday cheer and visit Santa this evening in our lobby starting at 7:00 pm. Join us and cast your vote to see who is crowned Picketwire’s Masked Singer: Christmas Edition tonight (December 13th) and Saturday (December 14th) @ 7:30 pm.



Take one final look at the first set of clues for each contestant:

  • Reindeer: He was in show choir under Sally Kappel but never sang a word.
  • Spider Rex: She kissed Ed Ames, the American pop singer and actor.
  • Gingerbread Man: This Swink native’s first job was picking melons for Mallot Farms.
  • Christmas Tree: One of her favorite songs has her daughter’s name in the title.
  • Mr. Snowman: He was in a film with Robert Redford.
  • Olaf: He has played piano for over 50 years.
  • Gingerbread Woman: This hometown gal worked at the Hickory House as a waitress through high school and college.
  • Party Tree: She is quite the traveler with destinations including Great Britain and Mexico.


Still need tickets? They are available online at or in box office at 5:30 PM.

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