Last Call for Letters of Intent

Picketwire banner from the board

Picketwire Players are seeking members for their Board of Directors. Each year there are four open positions to serve three-year terms (2025-2027). If you are interested in serving on the Picketwire Board, please send a letter of intent. Include why you wish to serve as a Director on the Picketwire Board.

See below for criteria, duties and contact information.


  • All candidates must have participated in a Picketwire production or been a Patron within the past three years.


The board consists of at least 12 community members that meet the first Sunday of every month. The board is responsible for approving upcoming productions, handling day-to-day operations of the building, promoting the organization and its productions/events, and any other general business that directly affects Picketwire.

Individual board member duties include assisting with productions (box office, ushers, etc.) and outside appearance as needed, as well as helping with upkeep of the building and property. One board member must also serve as production manager for each production.

A board member may be asked to serve on two or more of the standing executive committees. Those committees are: Box Office, Gala, Patron/Hospitality, Production, Grants, Finance, Inventory, Public Relations/Civic, Financial and Building & Grounds. Community members can also serve on any of these executive committees.


Anyone interested in serving on the board should write a letter to include their interest in being a board member and their involvement with the Picketwire Players. Interested people should include any information that they feel would qualify them as a potential board member.

Letters can be submitted via email or mail and should be received no later than December 20, 2025.


Subject: Letter of Intent


Via Mail:

Picketwire Players Nominating Committee
PO Box 912
802 San Juan Avenue
La Junta, CO 81050